This project demonstrates that:

  1. Sometimes clients do well to have us become strategically involved earlier to consult on business issues.
  2. Real estate deals often move faster than client approval processes so clients loose a space they wanted.
  3. The use of M Moser to organize the entire job in an integrated way can help when encountering delays, budget issues and the unexpected.
  4. Small client workplace groups need a trusted partner to act and think a thy would because they can’t always travel as often as they would like and they need a trusted partner.

Leasing process approvals took too long and space as lost to another tenant.

Client had to look for a new space fast. M Moser shortlisted and performed due diligence on three buildings, including building services in a week.

Client didn’t have to fly to India. M Moser had knowledge of the buildings, an engineer in house and was able to act very fast.

Project was slightly delayed to clients next financial year and he found his budget was cut even though he had agreed a design with the end users.

M Moser found innovative ways to save costs while maintaining quality and detailing through many subtle adjustments to meet budget and time with quality.

Local IT team didn’t get along well with global IT team. There were both Big differences in how to handle number of racks and security issues as well as how to handle maintenance.

M Moser helped liaise and inform global team of India practices and why they are different and helped resolve way forward. For example, global team only needed security cameras at server room but local it team knew about more risks requiring more cameras and more extensive security.

Global vendors have more options so they tend to breakdown maintenance to many contracts. Reliable parties were fewer in the local context so they placed most maintenance under one overall vendor