This story demonstrates:

  1. Sometimes (especially in Mumbai) getting an office space may involve putting many units together. Sometimes there units don’t have building services that work together and sometimes they even have different landlords.
  2. M Moser can be the best source of accurate and unbiased information about the real situation. Sometimes the client doesn’t get the fullest advice.
  3. Landlords / developers are often unwilling to share building information until after the lease is signed but M Moser has worked in most buildings and can also actively pursue resolutions in our client’s favor to gather information or agree changes that might otherwise not be allowed.

Client wanted modifications to entry wall that developer refused initially. Client had not been well advised as to what was allowable before the lease was signed and had promised a glass frontage.
The client had promised a space with glass frontage at the main entry to his end users but it was revealed after lease was signed that the landlord expected the wall to remain solid.

Local consultants often get their fees from developers and may not have the best interests of the client in mind. Our clients get independent advice and from a source they can trust when working with M Moser worldwide.

M Moser worked with landlord closely to convince them of the new design and allow the frontage to be glass by continuous positive engagement and dialogue.

Technical information was unavailable before lease was signed and client had not tech support. The client had no technical team and had no information of the buildings services and systems.

Many landlords and developers are unwilling to provide technical information. Emails and requests can go unanswered.

M Moser proactive engagement helped get vital information out of the landlord.

Our relationship with the landlords and previous experience in the building gave our client the advantage of getting that information that was otherwise not available.

Amalgamating multiple units may have challenges. The client faced issues due to the fact that this was made op of 4 separate units, all the building services were separate and not easily joined up.

All had separate meters and were designed to be independent. All designs of building services, electrical , mechanical were designed to be separate and the client had no understanding of this when he sighed the lease

M Moser had to work with the client to redesign the building services. We further helped the client to deliver the completed project within budget and time.